

International Podiatrists Association of Hong Kong (IPAHK) was founded and registered as a Society in Hong Kong in 2005. IPAHK was established as a collaborative effort between professional podiatrists working in both the public and private sectors. Our aim is to represent ‘Podiatry in Hong Kong’ in the international arena, to align ourselves with international ‘best practice’ to further the development of the podiatry profession locally, and also to enhance academic training and continuing professional education for Podiatrists in Hong Kong.

IPAHK founded and registered as a Society in Hong Kong in 2005.

The objectives of the International Podiatrists Association of Hong Kong are:

Membership of Federation Internationale des Podologues (FIP)

FIP is an organisation dedicated to fostering the profession of podiatry worldwide.
It is presently composed of twenty-one countries from five continents.
IPAHK is the representative for Hong Kong in the ‘Federation Internationale des Podologues- The International Fedaeration of Podiatrists’, which is the worldwide professional body representing over 85,000 podiatrists around the world.
IPAHK is the first Podiatry association in Asia to become members of FIP-IFP. We will use our voice in the international arena to further promote and represent Podiatry in Hong Kong, and to benefit the Podiatry profession in Hong Kong by sharing experience and collaborating with other Podiatry associations throughout the world.

Visit for more details.

Member of Staff Group Consultative Committee of Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

In Hospital Authority, Podiatry profession is included in the Allied Health Professions Staff Group Consultative Committee (AHPSGCC). The aim, scope, etc as per constitution of AHPSGCC.